Monday, April 03, 2006

Another Day Another Yarn

Ha, bet that got your attention. Tt really should read "another day another website" that's what I've been working on all day trying to finish up some websites that I've been working on and I'm happy to say THERE DONE! now I just need to get paid for them.
oh but wait... I'm still working on one site that I haven't even started and need to have done by tomorrow. It's my website or at least another website for me. I have but I bought the domain for my vessel line which I want to have separate from neatobeado. I really want to get those vessels out in the market place. they really are wonderful, you put essential oil in them and then ware them. the aroma come up through the cork and you get these wonderful whiff of aroma. I have them in a shop here in town and they are doing great so it's time to hit the market place big time (well, as big as I can manage to keep up with (did that make sense?))

on the knitting front...
I'm about a 1/4 of the way done with my second glove and cant wait to get a chance to sit and knit some more. oh, and I found this great website last night (when I should of been working)it's called Cast-On it's a podcast for knitters. I only got a chance to listen to the first two episodes but what I heard I enjoyed. fun to listen to someone tell you stories and play fun music while you knit.

on the Alex front...
I made his doctors appointment for April 17th, I'll be driving to Spokane (ya, along way to go for a vet but it's worth it $$ wise) and I'll be staying with my friend Terri (a wonderful potter!) who lives in Ritzville. I'm looking forward to spending some time with her AND she's the best cook, so I'll get to eat some yummy food.

better get back to work, need to get that site done.

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