Friday, March 10, 2006

Somethings Fishy...

I’m avoiding getting to work, I haven't done anything work related today and I’m feeling bad about it. I did however volunteer at Venue a gallery where I have some of my work and then I went for a job interview. The job interview made me sad. It’s not a job I want and it pay’s nothing but I need work and I cant seem to get back into the Web industry so I’m stuck applying for things that I have no interest in and that pay squat. I guess I should feel thankful that I at least had an interview, it’s the first one I’ve had in 2 years. Is that crazy or what???

I thought I should upload some photo’s of some of my work. Here are a couple of fishys, I’ve been trying to make as many as possible, they've been flying I mean swimming out the door ; )


Anonymous said...

Natasha, those fish are adorable. You're so talented.

What kind of web work do you do?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the job interview - even if it wasn't exactly what you were looking for. I'm sure the next one will be better:)
Your fishies are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I love your fish-yes, that take's talent and an eye for cute!

Natasha said...

Thanks for the complements everyone, so nice to see comments and complements.

Kim - I'm a web developer, I've done some designing but I in the corporate setting I build out the site from the design that the graphic designer comes up with..