Friday, March 03, 2006

Busy making fishys

Last year I was on HGTV’s “Crafters Coast to Coast” which is now called “That’s Clever” well the show aired again and I have gotten so many orders. I’m constantly runny to the studio to make more fishys it’s been lots of fun and keeping my very busy.

I also finished a sock and it’s the ugliest sock I’ve ever made, not to sure what happened so I think I’ll turn it into a sock monkey.


Anonymous said...

You fixed it! Hi! :)

Now you need pictures so we can see your sock - what went wrong?

Anonymous said...

Hey Natasha, it's great to see you!

If you don't want to write much, you could just do a photo blog....we'd all LOVE to see your gorgeous work.

I'm going to have to check out that HGTV show--how cool are you? Wow! You and Patti, I tell you---I'm blown away by you guys. And it's like you said at Madrona - we were meant to meet. Doo-doo-doo-doo...