OH, how I love when I get to go to fiber functions. Last weekend was the Whidbey Island Spin-in and as usual it was great fun. I left a couple of days early so I could visit with a friend who lives in Anacortes. I arrived at her place around 6 PM on Thursday, we just hung out and watched a movie. Then Friday I helped her pack. She sold her house and it was a quick turn around so she has to be out by April 30th. It was nice to be able to lend a hand. She's a good friend who has come over to help me several time to trying and help me sort though all the crap I have in the basement, so it was now my turn to help her. Saturday morning I headed for Whidbey where I met with friends and spun the day away. Amelia of Ask the bellweather was the guest speaker and there was lots to learn. That evening my friends and I hung out in our hotel room and just had fun with chatting, eating and more spinning. And then Sunday was more spinning and learning from Amelia. It all ended at 3 PM and rather than heading straight home I decided to go see the tulips. They were lovely but it was also very sad. At one time all the farms grew tulips and the all the fields were filled with color. Now there are just two large companies that grew them and it's all so commercial. You have to pay 5.00 to park and at some spots you have to pay 5.00 to get to their field. But I enjoyed the tulips I did get to see.
Here's the twins looking lovely as ever!
Karen and Terri, They were my roomies at the Camp Burton Spin-in.
I also got to meet Jon and his wife Carla. Jon took over the production of the Pocket Wheel and is doing a lovely job at it.
Here are photos of the amazing tulips...
Of course, there where the PINK tulips : )
How about some Red Tuilips...
And let's end with some Yellow tulips...