Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Starting anew

Well, it's been how long since I've last posted on my blog??? Amazing how time fly's. Really, I just haven't had much to say, but it's a new year and it's time to start up the blogging again cause I got things to say. So here we go....

I've been really busy with lots of new things. I'm really trying to focus on my business (that would be my jewelry business) and so far things are going well. I finally figured out how to us my camera, so I'm now able to take photos of my jewelry. And with the ability of taking photos I was able to get some of my jewelry listed on my Etsy site. I now have 4 cupcake necklaces listed and I'm thrilled to death. It's such an accomplishment. Oh, and I even sold one necklace within the first 24 hours of listing my items. Now how cool is that! I have more things to list but I'm pacing myself.

Today I made chocolates. very yummy (to lazy to post a photo right now) and tomorrow I'm heading for Madrona fiber arts in Tacoma. I wont be taking any classes this year but I'm going to stay with my Friend Anne-Marie (who has a class everyday) and just hang out and spin. Maybe I'll even knit a bit but since I got my Pocket Wheel all I want to do is spin and that is my intentions for the next 2 1/2 days. Cant wait!!!

Oh, there is so much to catch up on but I think I'll save that for another day. It's been a long day and I'm ready to go vet for 1/2 hour and off to bed.

1 comment:

Linda 'K' said...

Welcome back to the Blogosphere Darlin' - this is great! Oh, and in your profile you forgot to list your 25 previous careers. That could take up a 3-part blog post in itself!!!!