Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Heading up hill

So what does "heading up hill" mean? It means that things are going pretty good for me lately, I'm able to climb that hill of life (how corny does that sound). I've been so productive lately, spending a decent amount of time at the torch, working 2 days a week, taught a privet lampworking class (and have another one in July), started and finished a website for "fire and Rain" the ISGB chapter that I stared here in Seattle. Having time to visit with friends and even getting a little knitting in here and there. It feels good to be so productive and I hope it lasts. Though the one thing I have notices is that I'm loosing almost everything I touch. Lost the car keys for about a week. Then lost some paperwork that was borrow to me and now... I've lost an orders that I need to place an order for more jewelry equipment (maybe its a sign that I should be buying it). Wow, after reading what I just wrote I sound like I'm on speed.

I'm really enjoying working at Fusion Beads but my feet still hate it. I really like working with the public, I meet so many interesting people and I have to confess, I'm really trying to network, I'm always looking for that one person who works at a webshop and needs another person to work for them. Oh, and Fusion wants to start carrying my beads! I'm very excited about that mostly because it's more money in my pocket and man do I need $$.

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