Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Will summer ever get here?
An update on the job thing. I went to the Washington Citizen Action for the obscure and it seem to be OK, I'm not fond of phone soliciting but I can do it if I have to (use to be a bill collector) but they weren't flexible with the hours nor was Fusion. My hours at Fusion are from 9:45am till 6:00pm and the hours at Washington Citizen Action were from 5:00pm till 9:00pm. So I choose to go with Fusion. I've already worked 2 day and like working there. The only problem I have is being on my feet for 8 hours. I'll tell you, my dog's were barken. I don't do well standing all day long not only do my feet hurt but my back starts to give me problems and by the time I get home I have to jump into a HOT tub and they lay down with my feet up in the air. It's sad to be getting old. But other than that the job is good. The people are nice and I enjoy working with customers.
That's probably the most exciting thing that's happened to me all week. I'm still on a cooking roll. I'm not sure what's gotten into me I keep coming up with new dishes and am having a blast.
Got a lot of gardening done on Sunday and it felt good to be out in the sun (even tough I forgot to put sun screen on and am burnt to a crisp). Weeded around my studio and set up a nice little waterfall for the fish pond. The sound is so nice. Saw a Wilson's Warbler never saw one in our garden before so it was a real treat. I'm still working on that darn little bitty sweater for Penny and still working on my socks,I'm getting ready to do the heal. I'm really not in a hurry for either now that it's summer so I'm just plunking away at both of them.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Cooking Inspiration and Puppy Cuteness!
Been a long couple of weeks and lots has happened. Let’s see, where do I start? I’ve been applying for jobs like crazy and actually had a couple of interviews so I had to get myself something to ware seeing I’ve out grown everything I own. The first interview was with Fusion Beads and the other was with Washington Citizen Action they are working on healthcare reform which I feel so strongly about, being someone who has to pay out of pocket for her own healthcare and may have to go without healthcare because it’s gotten so expensive. As it stands right now, I got the job at fusion beads which if part time, two days a week. The other one is also part time working evening from 5:00 to 9:00 (which will cause me to discontinue going to Patti’s for craft night) I’m going Tuesday night to observe, to see if it’s something I want to do and for them to see if it’s something I can do. The job basically entails calling member on the phone asking for money, and coming form someone who hangs up on phone solicitor. I’m not to sure how well I’ll do, the only thing going for me is that fact that I believe in the issue so strongly. Then on Friday I decided to head out to
Also last week I got really creative with cooking. Now I’m one of those people who wish there was a pill I could take, rather then having to take the time to figure what to eat, preparing it and then having to sit down and eat it. But I had a lot of fun cooking up a storm, I should have taken pictures. And so far it seem like I’m still on a cooking roll. Today I made Asparagus soup. I bought a bunch of Asparagus while I was at Terri’s and thought I would pickle them but today I decided on soup.
On the knitting front, I finished Alex’s sweater and it turned out great (photo to come later) now I’m making a sweater for my bothers girlfriends dog which is a 3 month old Yorkie and man she small I mean she is extra small she cant be more than 1/2 lb. (I didn't knit the sweater that's she's wearing in this photo) Basically I’m knitting a sock that will have holes for her legs and head.
and I just have to share this cute picture of Penny and Jix (my brothers Rat Terrier who's only 6 months old)
I told my brother he needs to send this picture to Cute Overload
I’m also still working on my socks and planning my next project which will be a shawl. I’ve had the yarn but haven’t been able to find a pattern I like. Well, last weekend I when to the Seattle Knitting & Fiber Arts Expo and found a pattern at Toots LeBlanc & Co. booth I’m really excited to get started on it.